My Story: How DoTERRA Oils Helped Me After My Car Accident

Earlier this summer, my husband and I were on our way home from a 4th of July party in our tiny little green Toyota Corolla. The freeway was narrow, only two lanes, and traffic ahead of us was slowing down. I was in the passenger seat, and my husband started to apply the brakes. We were talking, although now I don’t remember what about, and as we slowed down we turned toward each other.

Suddenly, it seemed as though my entire world exploded. The horrendously loud sound of metal smashing into metal assaulted my ears as our car rocketed off the freeway and slid haphazardly into the shoulder for a good 20 feet before stopping. The shock was replaced by pain as my back, neck, and head instantly began throbbing. As it turns out, we had been hit by a medium sized truck; the driver had not seen the traffic slowing down and barreled into us going nearly freeway speed. Our car was totaled and I was in excruciating pain. Later, I would discover that I had sustained a concussion, strained ligaments in both my neck and my back, and as X-rays showed, a dislocated vertebrae in my neck.

The doctors at Kaiser put me on three different types of medication, and when that didn’t work, they switched out one of them for a heavy dosage of an antidepressant. After a few weeks of this regimen, I was still in a lot of pain but I had been instructed to up my dosage if the pain did not subside. However, I soon discovered that this would be a problem: not only were the drugs ineffective, but they were doing a number on my body! I was experiencing stabbing pain in my kidneys and there were other indications that I was simply overloading my system. I knew I had to find another way for pain management.

Then I remembered an experience I’d had with essential oils earlier in the year. While participating in a 5K, a DoTERRA rep was at the finish line, and as I chatted with her, I mentioned that my back was hurting from the run. She gave me some Deep Blue and Peppermint to put on my back, and the relief was instantaneous!

After recalling this incident, I immediately ordered up some Deep Blue for my back and began treating my pain with essential oils, with great success. Now, I was able to experience pain relief without worrying about destroying my kidneys and liver. Because of this, I am committed to helping others discover the amazing benefits of essential oils for themselves and their families. I hope you will join me on this journey!


7 thoughts on “My Story: How DoTERRA Oils Helped Me After My Car Accident

  1. Pingback: Why Should You Use Essential Oils? | Dose of DoTERRA

  2. Just stumbled upon your blog and this post — I was in a car accident at the end of March this year when I was on my way home from work after 3rd shift. At 60 mph I drifted off to sleep just long enough for my car to drift to the left and right into a guardrail. I took the guardrail right out of the ground and completely ripped apart the front of my car. The guardrail pierced through the door of my car (passenger, luckily) and after spinning around I finally stopped. I was in the backseat — as I didn’t have my seatbelt on and I couldnt get either door of my little 2 door Honda Civic open, so I climbed out the passenger window.
    Only then did I realize how much pain I was in. After going through the whole trauma process at Fairview Hospital – I found out that somehow — after all that — the worst of my injuries was a fractured vertebrae.
    Deep blue was also my savior during recovery. I didnt like the way the percosets made me feel during the day so I only took them to go to sleep. After just a week and a half I was just about fully functional. (and srit crazy!)
    This post just hit so close to home as I know pretty much exactly the pain you were in – although I think you were worse off.
    I’m so glad you made it through that. I know that accident was one of the scariest things ive ever experienced.
    I’m also glad we both had our Doterra to get us through!!


    • Wow! Your story is quite intense and I’m so glad that you are safe and that you were able to get through it with your DoTERRA! Thank you so much for sharing your story, I really appreciate it!


    • Hi Stacie! I now use a wide variety of oils because I found out later on that the car accident triggered my digestive auto-immune disorder. For pain I use deep blue and peppermint and frankincense for my neck and back, past tense for my neck and forehead, lemon and frankincense and peppermint on my kidneys, balance and serenity to help relax my body to handle pain better, I soak in lemongrass and eucalyptus for nerve pain, and anything else I look up the benefits of each oil and go from there. I hope that helps!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I was just in two car accidents today! Bad weather here (one was a bump from behind) I Called my doTerra buddy who told me to use my doTerra Peace roller that I had in my purse at the second more serious accident for shock, then I used lavender and peppermint when I got home. Bathed in epsom salts, and used frankincense. My upline support told me to put Deep Blue on the bottoms of my feet, and also use wintergreen for shock. I put wintergreen and Deep Blue on the back of my neck. I’m glad you all used you oils for recovery.


    • Wow 2 accidents!?! That is quite a crazy day! Glad you are ok! Yeah I absolutely love that regimen and wish I had Peace Blend when I had my car accident. Glad you had those in hand and were able to use those! Get well soon!


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